Sunday, June 21, 2009

journal entry #4

The article we read outside of Learning and Leading this week is called "Moderating and Ethics for the Classroom Instructional Blog" by Dr. Patricia Deubel. She starts off by mentioning that she has personally never made a blog for class but she understands the purpose behind using blogs in a classroom. The blog is basically a vehicle to make sure that everyone in the classroom is heard and can be a valued member of the learning community. Some students are to nervous or shy to participate and share their ideas and class, a blog is a good way to get those shy students engaged in the class. 
Questions:1). What is the value of having students review other students blogs and respond to them? The value of this is that student responses help them develop critical thinking skills and also helps them get a better understanding of the material being learned. 
2). What are the ethical values of blogging? Blogs are publicly viewed, so there has to be some kind of control or limit as to what you are exactly putting out there in your blog. There is a need to keep some personal private things private because there can be damage done to not only others but yourself as well since anyone, even future employers can view and judge.  

1 comment:

  1. One key idea in Web2.0 is authorship. Students should be given opportunities to pitch in and contribute to other people's learning. So I think students can exchange their ideas on their blogs.
