Questions:1). What about myspace and facebook, how much personal information should people be putting? People go on these sites and give a lot of personal information including their sexual preference, music choices, age and photos. Sometimes things are better left unsaid especially when that information stays on the web forever.
2). How have blackberries effected business relationships? As stated in the article, business partners used to talk on the way to the airport in limos but now with their blackberries in hand they are often times texting and emailing in front of each other. Blackberries cut out the communication of face to face conversations. Sometimes you would say something to some ones face but then you wouldn't send it in a text or email or likewise. Texting and emailing takes away some of the meaning because you can say something in a certain tone but you can't do that in words.
Dr. Turkle has published numerous articles and books about lives on the Internet, especially identity issues. If you're interested, check out her work.